
Unraid setup docker on cache
Unraid setup docker on cache

  1. #Unraid setup docker on cache install#
  2. #Unraid setup docker on cache free#

If you have a lot of files syncing over a very fast connection you can actually start hitting MySQL database errors with table locks or other issues (you will see these errors within the Nextcloud client program when syncs are happening or from the server log).

#Unraid setup docker on cache free#

If you do end up having any issues feel free to comment below and I will help out the best I can. Now restart the Nextcloud container and it will be using your Redis instance for cache! I recommend doing a last check to make sure you aren't getting any errors in any logs and double check that nothing broke inside Nextcloud. Here is an example of what the file looks like after adding these lines (since it needs to be added within the array so it can't just be added to the start/end of the file): '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis', Make sure to change the host and port to point to match your Redis instance (this information can be found on the docker list page within Unraid). 'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis', To do this open your config.php file (location is /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/We want to add these lines into the $CONFIG array: 'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis', All we need to do is modify the config.php file for Nextcloud to point to our Redis instance. Getting Nextcloud to use your new Redis instance is pretty easy. Also note which port you use since you will need to reference this from the Nextcloud config file.

#Unraid setup docker on cache install#

Make sure to install the one provided from the official Redis user. It's as easy as searching Redis under apps and clicking install. Installing Redis in Unraid is super easy if you have Community Applications installed. I recommend checking it out: Installing Redis I use it for backing up files from all my various computers and devices to my Unraid server for redundant storage (and have my Unraid server backup to CrashPlan for even more redundancy).

unraid setup docker on cache

If you have never heard of Nextcloud it is basically a self-hosted Dropbox.

unraid setup docker on cache

The Linuxserver container works out of the box and is available in the Unraid Community Applications so I recommend it if you don't know which one to use. Other containers will work fine as long as they have the required PHP Redis libraries shipping with them. This post assumes you already have Nextcloud installed using the container from Linuxserver.

unraid setup docker on cache

Although this post is written for Unraid users it can easily be applied for other setups as well. This has mainly reduced MySQL database queries and cleared up some errors I was getting from hitting MySQL tables during locks. I recently added Redis as a cache for my Nextcloud instance to increase it's performance.

Unraid setup docker on cache